Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Headache Survival Kit: How to survive your wife's headaches.

How to survive your wife's headaches. The only thing you need is the Headache Survival Kit for husbands. No more living in the dark!!

This post was approved by my husband. And by 'approved' I mean I told him about it and he said it sounded funny.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha
    1. You're just like hyperbole but better!
    2. Henry recognized moxie and poppet while I was reading this. (I noticed you forgot to add someone beauty mark on her face)
    3. The tent picture is hilarious "she's not trapped she's happy" bahaha
    4. Last borns make loud noises to make everyone happy. That works, right?
    5. Matt is a keeper. Good thing he is mostly nocturnal like a sugar glider
